The universe is always speaking to us and guiding us. As you said, when we "empty our cups" and let go of our agendas, we are better able to listen to the guidance of the universe. This is wonderful reminder for me. 🙏

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Reminds me of how with a simple little cut, one may put some ointment, but 'it' heals 'itself'. Awesome paintings! There's a Zen saying "When hungry eat; when tired sleep." Sometimes i experience eating a lot when i typically wouldn't and i start wondering 'what is going on?'... and then typically i find myself unexpectedly busy with yard work, so i realize that my 'intuitive hunger' was giving me energy for the work.

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Love this! And that Zen saying too. I've also been exploring intuitive eating and finding it so enjoyable and aligned with what I need in the moment.

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