Beautiful sharing. Thank you.

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Feb 26Liked by Vaishali Iyer

Vaishali, what a beautiful post that is very helpful to me right now - remembering life is a circle not a straight line. I too feel the tension of growth; the desire to be more vs the contentment of the here and now (wondering often if this is resistance or maladaptation). It makes sense that I'm drawn towards spending more time in nature, where both are so beautifully embodied in alignment.

There is so much in this post. Keep writing and sharing. You do it beautifully.

I wasn't aware you'd moved to Bangalore. Here's wishing you all the best in your new home.

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Hi George, lovely to hear from you. I was thinking of you during our move since you'd also moved recently. I don't think what you mentioned is a maladaptation, more just part of being human! Being content where we are is such a beautiful thing, something to savour even as we are drawn onwards by our desires. Big hugs your way.

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Again, thank you, Vaishali, I have missed you and am glad you are well. Your writing is superb and the content both enlightening and instructive. Your focus on sharing your font of information that has helped you through your own struggles is helpful in so many ways. I will share this post and come back to it many times. The peacock analogy!! Wonderful!! Thank you.

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Thank you, Patricia. It's flattering to have been missed :)

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