Hello, my name is Vaishali, and The Wise Body is my substack.
Here I write about all things relating to the magic of embodiment. I’m interested in how we can be more at home in our own skins, and in the power of the deep felt knowledge that we all can access in our bodies in order to live more fully and freely.
The name of this substack, ‘The Wise Body’, was given to me in an interaction I had. It is an apt synthesis of what I value: depth of knowledge, and the wonder of this living body. Later I realised that it is also a play on the Buddhist concept of dharmakaya, or wisdom body—considered the ultimate reality of an awakened being that is everlasting in the world and within all of us. I write to touch that wisdom that arises spontaneously from inside each of us and is always resonating in the world.
I am a somatic coach based in Bangalore. I’ve been immersed in yoga, movement and meditation for the past decade, and spend my time living these traditions as best I can, and teaching them to others. Influences on me and my work come from:
the ancient traditions of yoga and their modern iterations
the practices and philosophy of yoga, tantra, meditation, Hinduism, Taoism and Buddhism
the vibrant world of somatics and embodied learning
the study of human movement in its many forms
You can read more about me on my website.
how I create
In my writing and teaching, I draw on my own experience as an explorer of yogic, somatic and meditative traditions from around the world. While I love to geek out and learn concepts as much as anyone, I always begin from direct experience, and then draw in any relevant theoretical strands that I find helpful. It is my hope that whether or not you care about specific canons, texts, concepts or teachings, you will still find something meaningful here, because you are a human being and I am sharing my human experience.
I love to use metaphors, images and other forms of creative language, both in writing and in teaching. There is something about embodiment that lends itself to these forms of expression, like the song of the body wants to come out in pictures and imagination as well as in words and movement.
how you can engage
I write a mixture of longer essays (1000-3000 words), shorter personal musings and occasional life updates. Long posts I usually divide into sections, and sometimes also into a series of multiple posts on a particular theme. I would suggest to read and digest slowly over time. Alternatively you can also dive in to specific sections and extract what you need without having to go through everything. If you prefer to learn by doing (or being), you can also explore the practice center, where I upload guided audio practices.
I invite you to take your time and savour any part of any post that resonates in you, and to find your own ways of expressing your response: in the comments, by writing to me directly, or in your life.
why subscribe?
If you choose to subscribe, you will receive an email each time I add new material (written or audio). I don’t follow a set publishing schedule, so you’ll hear from me as and when I have something to share—that could be once a month, or once a fortnight, but won’t ever be more than once a week.
*you can unsubscribe at any time, by clicking the link included at the bottom of all emails.
All content is accessible to both free and paid subscribers. If you find value in it, I encourage you to upgrade to paid. You can read more about my thoughts on paid subscriptions, and money in general, here.